Dress Codes

We have no dress code and management doesn't want one. However some of our female office personnel are complaining about one of our office girls wearing very short shorts. She doesn't interact with the public in any way. We are a manufacturer and she is in accounts payable. Other than modesty or professionalism, there isn't any job related reason for her to dress more conservatively. Furthermore, we are a family owned corporation and some of the corporate officers(male) wear shorts and sandals to the office, as do other female employees. Are there any suggestions? Should I address this with her and if so, how? I really don't want to be the tape-measure police in regard to the length of shorts allowed in our office.
Deos she have cellulite on her legs (obviously, I watch late nite TV and "infomercials" x:D ); does she just look too "unfeminine"; is she "revealing" undies, for example? Once you know why the female co-workers are complaining, you may be better able to figure out 1) whether or not you (the company) need to address it with her and 2) if she does need to be talked to, whether it would be better for a female manager or supervisor to discuss any problem with her.