Past employee volunteering

We are a non-profit agency operating Head Start Centers for children 3-5 years old. We have an ex-employee who was a teacher in a center. She resigned and said she was moving out of state. For whatever reason, she did not move. She now "drops in" the center and "volunteers" in her old classroom of children. This has been confusing the children and we have asked that she volunteer in another classroom or the kitchen. We don't want to turn away a volunteer!! She refuses to volunteer in other areas of the center. She is also saying negative comments to parents of the children. Is our only option to ask her not to volunteer at all?? She feels we do not want her in the center. We don't mind that she come in, just not in her old classroom. Do volunteers have any legal recourse or will it just be the negative comments in the small community.
If she doesn't move after that, she might have to leave.
I think you have two options. One, create and offer her a volunteer opportunity that you define and works best for your organization. Two, gently inform her that her volunteer efforts are no longer needed.
Expect a little resistance either way. Volunteers often have the attitude that you should be extremely grateful to have their help. While that is true, it does not give them license to do whatever they want.
Good luck!
She does not need to be in her old classroom and how she responds to this will tell you a lot about her motives.
If she is truly interested in volunteering at your agency, she will work wherever she is needed.