Nursing Mothers' Room

I recently read an article that said a new law was in the works that would require an employer to provide a private room for employees who were lactating. I can't remember if it was a federal bill or for Arizona. Now, I can't find any information anywhere. Has anyone else seen anything on it?
California has a law that requires employers to provide breaks and a private place (other than a bathroom stall) for women to express breast milk. Other states may have similar laws, I know that Tennessee does. I am unaware of any federal law regarding lacation rooms.
On a personal note, even if you do not have a legal mandate to provide a lactation room, is a very good idea for employers to try to accommodate lactating women whenever possible. Often employers can do small things, such as give women access to a room with a chair, an electrical outlet, and a door that locks, and ample breaks. This is a relatively small thing that will reap large rewards, such as good employee relations and retention.
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC