Translation of employment docs - Discrimination

I cannot find any case law relating to this issue and would care for some help. We have translated most of our key documents into Spanish, which is the primary language of over 30-35 percent of our staff. Of course, we have a small percentage of employees (10%) who speak other languages as their primary language (i.e, Tagalog), but we have not translated the same documents for them. Although we have not received any objections up to this point, I am concerned about possible disparate impact issues in re: to hiring, retention, training, and promotion. So far, my contact w/the state DFEH has not resulted in any real advice. And if we do translate the docs into yet another lang, where do we stop?
Use someone who understands the culture and language as well as the legal concepts. The person I use for Spanish always asks where the majority of the Hispanic employees come from because the idioms vary depending on whether the employees come from Puerto Rico, Mexico, South America or Cuba.
Margaret Morford