Dept. of Rev. Form 8233 Nonresident Alien

It is my understanding that the law changed in 2002 regarding the employment of Nonresident Aliens. Is it true that Form 8233 (Dept. of Rev.) needs to be filled out and included in the employee files? Is it correct to assume the determination be made that a person is a Nonresident Alien if they select Box 3 of Section One on the I-9 Form. What would be the proper proceedure for handling Nonresident Alien Status?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If I were you, I'd call the INS office in Florida. They should be listed in the government pages under Justice, Immigration and Naturalization. If you don't have one, there's one in Atlanta. Florida is full of immigration attorneys, but, a call to INS will be a lot cheaper, IF YOU CAN GET THROUGH.
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