Help! Alcohol

We have a sales tech who has been with the company over 20 years. It has come to my attention (through 2 of his co-workers) that he is drinking alcohol during "extended" lunches and breaks. He works in a different building than I, and it would be extremely difficult for me to confront him. I also want to keep the 2 co-workers out of the loop. Anyone out there have any suggestions, past experience????
Unless you expect the employee to cave-in and admit to a misuse of alcohol at work, throw himself on the sword and plead for forgiveness, I think the only way to address this is to observe, confront and test. Good luck with your decision.
Is the company just upset that during his lunch period (which I assume is unpaid and off company premises), the employee consumes alcohol...or
is it upset because he performs his duties after lunch in an impaired manner and because of the co-workers report, it is now suspected that the impairment is alcohol caused.
If the latter, where is the superivsor? If he or she hasn't noticed any impairment, what is the concern? Or, you need to find out if the superivsor is even there in the afternoon, or is properly "trained" to look for impaired functioning and knows how to handle it with ANY subordinate.
If the former, I really don't see a problem. The emplyee is unpaid for meal period, is off company property returns to work and does his job satsifactorilly (or unimpaired). Why would you even be concerned if that is the case?
Here's a funny article about another red-nosed employee who was perceived to be disabled: [url][/url]
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers