
We are putting an employee evaulation process into place. I beleive I read somewhere that it is important to provide a section for input from the employee as well as a section for the supervisor to provide goals for the coming year. Is this covered by some regulation or merely a recommenation and do any of you have evaulation forms you could share?
The best use of a Self Ealuation is to get the employee to fill it out before the supervisor fills out the performance review. The supervisor should tell the employee that he/she is going to start writing the emplyee's review in five days and wants the employee to have imput into the review. Then request that the employee fill out the Self Appraisal and give it to the supervisor prior the the supervisor doing the review. Employees will remember accomplishments and educational opportunitioes many times that supervisors forget. They are also excellent at setting goals for themselves. Every time the supervisor uses something from the employee's Self Appraisal in the performance review, it reinforces the fact that the employee got a chance to participate in the review. It also tells the supervisor where the employee's head is with regard to the employee's performance before they meet to discuss the review. This gives the supervisor plenty of time to prepare for what to say without encountering the surprise in the review where the employee believes his/her performance is superior and the supervisor views it as satisfactory. Hope that helps.
Margaret Morford
I currently use KnowledgePoint "Performance Now" tool. This is a wonderful employee review writer that is easy to use; you just point and click a rating and meaningful review text automatically appears based on your input.
Other functions include: setting, tracking and measuring goals, automatic alert for upcoming reviews, tracks employee performance log year round, review form templates or design your own template, etc. Relatively inexpensive too! Just $150.00 two years ago. I'm not sure what it sells for now.
For more details see their website at [url]http://www.knowledgepoint.com[/url].