Paying an exempt employee for training

We are hiring an associate for an exempt position. She will begin working on 2/25, however I have asked her to attend a two hour training session this week. Do I have to pay her for this time, and if so, how do I do that since she is salary?
I say this because, "exempt" status only exempts the individual from the FLSA minimum wage and overtime requirements. It doesn't appear to get the employer "off the hook" for considering whether or not the individual is employed. Thus, it seem to me by taking at look at how FLSA considers training, in your situation, and whether that is work or not is the critical issue.
If it is mandated in some way, then the training probably would be considered work and therefore the exempt employee is beginning work on the day of the training. As an initial work week of course, you wouldn't have to pay the indiviudal for the entire week if she didn't work it, or you could consider the absence days between the training day and the beginning of other duties on 2-25 to be personal days off, and you wouldn't have to pay her for them either.
This is just a layperson's opinion. But you, as I said, should consult with an attorney, on whether or not you are obligated to pay the employee's "salary" for day and the week in which she goes to training.