Gifts from Clients to Employees

Our organization is part of the state's higher education system. Our employees are academics who do agricultural research. Some of them receive "gifts" from from outside organizations like pesticide, poulty producing, or feed companies. The gifts range from fruit & cheese baskets to all-expenses-paid fishing trips in Canada. What are the legal & ethical issues here? Could you provide an example of a company policy which would permit inexpensive gifts but put limitations on other gifts? Thanks!
Is your organization actually part of the state system and your employees state employees? If so, check with your state's laws or rules on ethics. Our state has ethics laws regarding public service, and gifts such as those you mention are generally considered "no-no's".
Without knowing what state you're in, I suggest if you want to get some idea of limits or wording of an approach used by the University of California. They have pollicy on the receipt of gifts. You can also check out the California Political Reform Act of 1974 and the California Fair Political Practices Commission at the CFPPC's website.