wrongful termination?

I have an employee who was just re-hired. He first left us on his own, then in a few months wanted to come back. His work skills and ability are very good. He had a problem with 'attitude' and 'speaking his mind' too openly. I will admit, the General Manager wasn't too crazy about him. When re-hired, he was told he was 'on probation' and if any old habits surfaced he would be gone. It took less than two weeks....the manager let him go. Now he is citing harassment and wrongful termination. The probation was verbal. He is not in a protected class and Mo. is an at-will state. Does he have a case?
John Vering
Missouri co-editor
Good Luck!
We had an employee who was very gifted technically, but she created havoc whereever she went. (I also knew her when she worked at another organization and she had the same type issues and was asked to leave there). She wanted to come back to our organization, but because of her past history, no one wanted to work with her. She felt we were discriminating against her, but we finally just had to tell her that she was not a good match for the others in the department because of the issues that she had previously. We told her the issues were still the same and the work conditions were still the same as when she left. Finally, she got the message.
Actually, within the first 90 days of employment an employer doesn't have to give a reason to terminate someone. This may vary state to state, but the best source to find your answer is your state's Unemployment Compensation office.