Age Discrimmination filed with Human Relations

Well, I was delivered the paperwork yesturday for a face to face hearing with Human Relations. Can't tell you how much that made my day! The charges were filed from an employee we laid off back in May. There were 10 in total who were left go ... mixed combo of men and women,ages from 29 - 55, all different pay levels and all different seniority levels. She claims she was left go because of her age. I love how they always need someone to blame for their problems (sorry, just a little venting!)I've contacted our attorney and also our business liability insurance carrier immediately.
This is my first time with this, so I am sure you can imagine how overwhelming all of this is. I was wondering what else I should be doing if anything. Also, have any of you experienced this before and what can I expect? In the paperwork, they make it seem as if we're already guilty.
This is my first time with this, so I am sure you can imagine how overwhelming all of this is. I was wondering what else I should be doing if anything. Also, have any of you experienced this before and what can I expect? In the paperwork, they make it seem as if we're already guilty.
Sometimes the agencies will rule in favor of the employee because the employer has failed to document the reasons why they took the action, therefore can't prove their side of the story. Then the employer thinks that the agency is biased, when in reality, the employer didn't do their job correctly from a management perspective.