Hostile Environment

An upper-level manager has no trouble screaming at and belittling fellow co-workers, not to mention subordinates. She comes across to outsiders as upper-crust but inside the office uses a hostile voice when addressing items or situations that don't go her way. Her superior has been looking the other way. I say something needs to be done or we could very well be looking at a lawsuit if she jumps the wrong person. Is that true? Is this a form of harassment?
I agree with Gillian. If there is no race, gender, age or other related context to the harassment, it isn't actionable under federal law. However, as you indicated, your employer could end up with an unnecessary headache should she go after someone who won't tolerat her foolishness. I've been doing HR work for about 25 years. It's been my experience that some employees aren't above a good cussin' out or a punch in the nose. I'd talk to her boss ASAP and ask the boss to tell the employeee cut it out or else.
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers