Wrongful Termination (Cultural/Religious Discrimination)

We are located in wisconsin. Is there a moritorium
or statute of limitation in a wrongful termination
based upon cultural/religious discrimination.
The incident happened off federal trust status land
with a native american employee in 7/98. The State
awarded unemployment compensation based on wrongful
termination; after the Tribal company denied the claim.
or statute of limitation in a wrongful termination
based upon cultural/religious discrimination.
The incident happened off federal trust status land
with a native american employee in 7/98. The State
awarded unemployment compensation based on wrongful
termination; after the Tribal company denied the claim.
Second Issue: Is there a moritorium on
wrongful or illegal employment termination.
Is there a time frame for a violation of
Civil Rights?
Can we be taken into court for violating
the Indian Civil Rights Act?
Does a moritorium apply?