diet pills

Are diet pills considered a prescription/OTC drug that is OK to work under the influence of? How about cold/flu medicine? How about inhalers for asthma sufferers? Since people react differently to different meds, is this strictly a judgement call?
Margaret Morford
My reasonable suspicion policy talks about being under the influence of any drug/alcohol substance. This enable us to handle the cocaine impairment exactly the same as the person who decides to 'chug" 8 bottles of NyQuil and is unable to perform. Gar's correct in terms of who cares what has been consumed. Employees who test positive for a compound better have proof of a physicians Rx; otherwise they are treated the same---------NyQuill abusers are handled the same as heroin junkies.
Not knowing whether you're compelled to comply with the Drug Free Workplace Act (DFWA), the language in that statute talks about drug-related activity and the use of controlled substances. This law covers the peddling of illegal stuff. Good luck