HELP! My employee disappeared!

We have an employee who left for lunch and didn't come back. We worried she'd been involved in an accident, but police inquiries turned up negative. As we worried, we noticed her company keys were left behind and her personal items were gone. It soon became clear that she was not coming back. She's a new hire - only on the job 3 months. We've done the usual audits and all appears in order. Is there anything I need to do? She doesn't have insurance so COBRA should not be required. Do I need to do anything - other than not let her back in? Thanking you in advance.
I agree with the other posts. Call her or her next of kin, send off a certified letter with return receipt requested (that way you can see who signed for it) and cut your losses. Hopefully the worst didn't happen and she simply flaked out and abandoned her job. Let us know what happens!