I am evaluating my companies holiday pay policy. Which states, "Employees are required to work their scheduled shift on the last workday before and the first workday following the holiday in order to receive holiday ay; unless their absence was scheduled and approved in advance. You are not eligible to receive holiday pay when you are on an unpaid leave of absence." My issue is that most companies that I have been employed if you work the day before and you have vacation scheduled for the day after then the next scheduled workday you must work or you are not paid for the holiday. Now if someone request the time off after the holiday and does not have vacation or any other time should they be paid for the holiday? IF anyone would give me a little insight as to what you use for a rule on this I would greatly appreciate it.
Each employer, as you noted, may do it differently. For example, we only require that the employee be on a "full pay status" on at least one side fo the holiday in order to get holiday pay.