
In the last year we have had several employees resign within days of receiving a bonus. Can we implement a policy requiring employees to forfeit or repay their bonus if they resign within 30 or 60 days? If so, does anyone have a sample policy?
That being said, it seems that your bonus is keeping the employees around longer (they wait until its' paid). If you want to keep them even longer, you could strech out payment (1/2 now and 1/2 in 60 days), but that still will not stop them from quitting after the first 1/2 is paid or after the 2nd 1/2 is paid.
Good Luck!
It is a natural course that we will have turnover. It just seems that we have had some supervisory level employees time their departure to coincide with the bonuses. Example is that we just had an employee wait until the receipt of the year end bonus to turn in her resignation. I have no doubt that she was postponing the resignation anticipating the arrival of the bonus.
We are curious about the 30/60 day forfeiture, not to encourage those employees to stay, but to lessen the sting of paying out a nice bonus and having the employee immediately return a resignation. We have heard that some of the larger banks have a forfeiture policy.