Conviction after employment

One of our employee was recently sentenced to home sentence probation for insider trading at a previous company. He will be allowed to go to work and home only. We are now wondering what we should do as a result of his conviction. The law states that we cannot discriminate in hiring based on a prior conviction (unless it's related to the job that the employee will be performing, or if it will result in negligent hiring), but I cannot find any information on what should be done after the person has been hired. We looked back on this person's application and found that he had left the area "have you ever been convicted of a crime" blank. He has been a good performer at our company. Should we take any disciplinary action? If so, what kind? If we keep him on the job, does it serve as an example to other employees that if they commit a crime that it will be ignored? If we consider convictions case by case, will that be considered discriminatory?
The issue for you now is whether the conviction renders the emplyee immediately unsuitable for employment with your company. If he had been sentenced to prison and therefore wasn't able to come to work, then you could have fired him on that basis, if not the nature of the conviction.
But in this case, it looks like the court forced the central issue for you. So, the question is, without knowing exactly what the conviction was for, whether or not -- given what your company does and what his job duties are -- is he no longer trustworthy and suitable for your company (or is he still trustworthy and suitable for emplyment with your company)? Remember, you want to be fair but you also want to make sure that if other employees or job applicants come along with similar convictions, you have a consistent policy and practice.
In passing, I think the court or a probation officer would have discussed the work issue with the company in helping the court come to the sentence that it did. Maybe someone else higher up in your compnay has already decided the issue.