Can anybody give me information regarding the required period of retention of employee's personnel file with regards to payroll. evaluations, exposure record, interview questions, resume's etc... Also, if your employee is terminated how long do you keep their file?
Good Luck
Fax # 301-953-2838.Thanks!
This is an HR company which staffs, recruits, and all other aspects of the profession. Thank you. Jim Duffy
My email [email][/email]
I work for a non-profit agency in Rhode Island.
FAX 401-781-4396
Fax # 225-756-0094
Fax # 1-616-673-0367
Thank you
My fax number is 607-689-5903
Does this include how long we should keep I-9 forms of termed employees?
Employment contracts are maintained for 3 years.
Exit interviews one year.
Reason for separation six years.
Family and Medical Leave information 3 years.
OSHA information and medical records uration of employment, plus 30 years.
Grievance Records, one years after the action has been completed.
The Personnel file itself is maintained in accordance with the contents of the file. You may wishto glean the file of those items it is not necessary to retain, or would not be needed at a future date. The above are just a few of the items mandated by Michigan Law to retain.
I hope this will provide some assistance.
Thanks in advance!