Conflict of Interest

As an employee that works under the supervision of
our in-house H.R. Director, my question is one of
fair representation.
This new H.R. Director was brought in to replace
the former one that is is to retire in a few months. In spite
of my good reviews and valuable reputation here with the company,
this new director seems to harbor an unfair grudge against me,
and makes a point to find fault with me almost every day. For other
employees in the company, they have an H.R. rescource to consult
when they are experiencing problems with their supervisors, but in
my case, I feel I do not have anyone to talk to or go to for help.
What is your opinion on this situation? What is the law? I appreciate any information you can share.
our in-house H.R. Director, my question is one of
fair representation.
This new H.R. Director was brought in to replace
the former one that is is to retire in a few months. In spite
of my good reviews and valuable reputation here with the company,
this new director seems to harbor an unfair grudge against me,
and makes a point to find fault with me almost every day. For other
employees in the company, they have an H.R. rescource to consult
when they are experiencing problems with their supervisors, but in
my case, I feel I do not have anyone to talk to or go to for help.
What is your opinion on this situation? What is the law? I appreciate any information you can share.