Changing Performance Ratings

Me and my boss have an on-going debate. Is anyone aware of some obscure rule, tenet or philosophy that says a performance evaluation rating cannot be changed once made and put on paper?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • In what context would a change to a rating change be made?

    I don't think that there is a specific provision that prevents because it's not generally contemplated that a rating would be changed except as part of a grievance or appeal process of some kind.
  • There is nothing anywhere that says that a rating cannot be changed. The primary reason for making a change would be when, during the appraisal, discussion between the parties results in an understanding, one way or another, that the initial rating was not correct. Perhaps a rating of unsatisfactory was made because the supervisor did not know all the facts, and one they are known, the initial rating is not fair. Having a rule that nothing can be changed precludes the correction of mistakes that are made.
  • >Me and my boss have an on-going debate. Is anyone aware of some
    >obscure rule, tenet or philosophy that says a performance evaluation
    >rating cannot be changed once made and put on paper?

  • Usually, managers involved sign off on the rating before it is conveyed to the employee; once conveyed to the employee, I cannot see where it could be changed. I have seen, though,when the employee disputes the rating and can can offer some concrete reason why the rating should be higher, the ratings are sometimes changed This is very rare though.

    I once worked for a "manager" that gave me an outstanding rating and then got angry when I was unable to attend a Christmas party because of a visiting relative that I had not seen for 10 years. She took it upon herself to call the corporate office and had my 4 rating changed to a 2 rating. She advised me that my job came before anything else including family. Needless to say, I called the corporate office and asked them if they were out of their mind changing a rating for a ridiculous reason such as this! They agreed and changed it back. I immediately started a job search and informed my manager that I had lost all respect for her and could not work for someone this underhanded. That's probably my biggest HR horror story.
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