Attendance Policies

We currently have no written attendance policy, but employ over 200 full-time employees. We want to look at both the "point" system and also a "no-fault" absentee policy. Does anyone have sample policies that they would share with me?
oh yeah-- our policy states that any absence may be deemed excused by management on a case by case basis (to take care of the 10 year employee)
If you are a member of the law center on this site there are some good publications on FMLA you can download. The government web sites are good for useful forms,etc.
I would be careful in writing my attendance policy so you do not end up creating employment contracts. Also make sure management always has some way out, or some way to change the outcome of very special circumstances.
I assume you are non-union.
You can e-mail me at [email][/email] and I can send you a copy of our stuff if you want.
Back in my consulting days, I had several clients who were in manufacturing. I don't remember any that had a point system. No Fault systems are not viable any more because of FMLA and all the other reasons that employees can legitimately take time off.
The only reason I can think of to have a formal attendance program is if there is a major problem which needs to be brought under control and the organization thinks that a formal program is the best way to do that.