Changing Sick Leave to Personal Time Off Days

We currently allow 5 days per year under our sick leave policy. We are considering changing this to Personal Time Off Days (in addition to their vacation days) so that an employee can schedule these days as he/she needs them and not have to be sick to take them. Has anyone done this? What has your experience with this been? Our vacation time is not generous so this would be a very welcome change for our employees.
For the salaried/exempt employees it works as such: On Jan 1st of each year, they are credited with one p. day for every three unused sick days in the prior year. So since they get 10 sick days per year (which cannot carry/payout ever), they can only be credited with three p. days each year.
That, in a nutshell is our policy, and so far everyone is very happy with it.
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
>considering changing this to Personal Time Off Days (in addition to
>their vacation days) so that an employee can schedule these days as
>he/she needs them and not have to be sick to take them. Has anyone
>done this? What has your experience with this been? Our vacation time
>is not generous so this would be a very welcome change for our
Our company has done this so that employees have just Personal Time Off. There is no sick leave for employees. I think it is good to do this, because most companies that offer sick leave, the employees don't use and do not receive any type of compensation for it if they resign. Our company will pay employees for any unused personal time off if they terminate from the company. We have not heard too many complaints from employees about this policy.