Sick time for ill children?

Question for you, as we are currently in the process of revising our handbook - how many of you out there allow employees to use their accrued sick time for illness of a child?
What do you see as potential problems/good points to doing this?
Thanks for your input.
What do you see as potential problems/good points to doing this?
Thanks for your input.
We allowed those "sick days" to be used more like a PTO bank. The employee could use them for their illness, or the illness of a family member. They were also usable for things like Doctor's office appointments, and the like, and in as little as one hour increments.
A couple of potential problems can arise: First, if you are going to restrict these to medically necessary events (doctor's visits, illness and injury) then someone is going to have to administer a lot of paperwork. In effect this becomes an extention of your Family Medical Leave program. You will accumulate medical information on not just employees, but their family members as well, and you must maintain those in an extremely confidential manner.
The second issue is for emloyees who have not built up a very large time off "bank". These employees may take several individual days for other family members only to find they have exhausted their paid time off when their own illness arises. After the first year this is not as important from an "entitlement to leave" standpoint as it is an economic issue. It generally took an employee about five years before their "bank" could be big enough that the economic issue was not there except for really major situations.
As for Dianna's question, I don't like a system where vacation and sick leave are separate and you can use sick leave for kidcare. That penalizes healthy, childless employees. And face it -- parents will take time off for sick kids no matter what it takes. If your system requires them to lie to their boss to get the day off, they'll do it.
Our company combines vacation and sick leave. If I take a day off for my sick kidling, that's one less vacation day I have. It's a good system if your total amount of leave is enough.
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Our employees are very happy about the new policy.
I have been out of town speaking at a conference and just returned this evening. Sorry to be so long in replying. Besides FMLA, there is no federal law requiring this. As you can see from some of the replies, some states do mandate this.
As a practical matter, I recommend that you let employees use sick time for themselves or their sick children. If you don't, you just encourage the parent to call in and tell you they are sick rather than tell you their child is sick. I also think you look like a monster if you don't let the employee have time off to care for their child. Please call me if you want to discuss further.
Margaret Morford
We also allow use for others in family: "sick leave is permitted for illnesses or injuries of the employee, employee's child, spouse, and/or parent. Sick leave granted for child, spouse, and/or parent shall be for reasonable periods as the employee's attendance may be necessary." We have not had any abuse with allowing sick leave for others but do always reserve the right to request in addition to the employee's own statement, a doctor's statement verifying that the time off was due to actual illness/injury.
For me, it's a question of how can I spend limited benefit dollars in the best manner. I don't currently see this as a benefit essential to recruitment or retention.
Here is California a recent regulation required employers who have a sick leave plan which applied to employees only to allow half of the amount to be used for family illness. Most employers who hadn't done so already changed their policies to allow family illness to be covered up to the limit of the plan - no distinction between self and family. The administrative burden of trying to track leave in two separate pots, self and family, was a bit much.
A lot of our new employees how companies that they worked for previously were not family friendly and one of the reasons that they applied at ours is because they hear from current employees that we are.
To add to something Margaret touched on...
Chances are, many employees are claiming to be sick when it is actually their children. That creates several problems. One is that employees become conditioned to lie to their supervisors, knowing full well that many other employees are doing it too (I'm not making a value judgement here one way or another... just citing reality). Another problem is that many supervisors know their employees are lying and feel too much compassion to do anything about it. If the employee calls in sick with a "nudge nudge wink wink," and the supervisor returns the "nudge nudge wink wink", then you've got a system in which the supervisors and the employees are looking the other way. That's never good.