Terminating employee (Need response ASAP)

Please give me some guidance as they want to do this tomorrow afternoon. Employee who has been with us less than a year is going to be terminated tomorrow because he does not seem to be a good match with the company and what they need him to do. They have no personal issues with the employee rather that he just has not lived up to their expectations and the Company feels it is best to not let this continue. Anyhow they will be releasing him and I need to know what I should do as I have never severed a salary person before. The Company plans to give him a month's pay and pay out his vacation that he has on the book (32 hours). My question is are we obligated to pay out any vacation prorated that he would have received as of January 1, 2002-40 hours? Also what about COBRA obligations, etc. Is there anything else that I should be looking at? The state is Kansas. Any immediately help would be greatly appreciated. Also do we have to have his final check ready at the time of termination? Everything in one check? Thanks.