Terminating Employee & Final Paycheck
I currently work in NH, all previous employement was in MA.
When there is a terminating employee (regardless if voluntary
or non-vol), are we (the company) required to have regular
earnings in one check and other earnings (such as severance,
vacation, bonus, etc.) payable in a seperate check??? In MA
we always used seperate checks, however at this company they
are putting all compensation in one check. Any help, reference,
etc. would be greatly appreciated.
I currently work in NH, all previous employement was in MA.
When there is a terminating employee (regardless if voluntary
or non-vol), are we (the company) required to have regular
earnings in one check and other earnings (such as severance,
vacation, bonus, etc.) payable in a seperate check??? In MA
we always used seperate checks, however at this company they
are putting all compensation in one check. Any help, reference,
etc. would be greatly appreciated.