Discipline Points

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-20-01 AT 10:23AM (CST)[/font][p]Does anyone use a point system for discipline in general? Specific infractions are preassigned a point value, and a certain points total within a specified time period can lead to termination. I understand this can be useful for those employees who keep pushing the envelope but never really go over the line. Employers also reserve the right of immediate termination for extreme situations.
Sounds a lot like a driving record, but people really pay attention to those points for fear of losing their license, insurance, etc.
Sounds a lot like a driving record, but people really pay attention to those points for fear of losing their license, insurance, etc.
I understand your frustration. We are struggling with excessive call-ins from our clinical staff personnel. Supervisors have broached the subject of giving staff ample number of unexcused call ins (10-12 pear year). After that, they will sacrifice 50% of their annual performance evaluation raise due to excessive absenteeism. Again, this will work only if it is administered fairly by all supervisors. You will find that there are a fair number of supervisors that will let their favorites "slide" and come down hard on those that might not be as much in their favor. This is a decision that our administrative team will have to make before the end of the year.
I know that some organizations do use progressive discipline, but most of the time it ends up being a nightmare to administer and leaves much room for claims of discrimination.
The point book also notes if the employee had a doctor's excuse. Although the doctors excuse does not exempt you from a point, it is taken into consideration if you reach the 8 point mark. Also, with a doctors excuse, there is a 2 point maximum given for more than 3 "consectutive" days. We have found that in cases of determining unemployment for a discharged employee due to absenteeism, the employee was fully warned prior to discharge.