I'm interested in knowing how others handled RIFs. Our Executive Director is thinking of identifying positions to keep (all the same department, so we're dealing with hours needed and number of FTEs to retain), and then posting all positions & making decisions based on performance, expertise, attendance, and when all is equal, seniority. I am under the thinking that you identify those positions you want to keep, modify any that require less hours, and eliminate the rest (and subsequently, the individuals in those positions). I'm also not sure of the idea of allowing "bumping." i.e., a 20-hour position can take a person's 40-hour position because they have seniority.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Denise T. Arver
East Providence, RI
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Denise T. Arver
East Providence, RI
Call me if you want to discuss this further.
Margaret Morford