plant shut downs

Need some advice from someone who's been there - one of our off-site food service locations is shutting down for definitely one, possibly two weeks for repairs next month. The food line attendants do not want to use remaining vacation for those days - are we allowed to insist they do in lieu of filing partial unemployment? we do not have a policy in place that states that - will we have to just bite the bullet on unemployment and put a policy in place before this happens again? I guess what I'm asking is - can we legally require they to use any remaining paid time out for those days?
I believe you can require paid time off to be used, but you'll have to assess the employee relations issues of "forcing someone to take time off with pay". Packaging this properly, you should be able to have employees feeling good about taking their paid time off....uninterrupted income, etc.... vs having to supplement their income with u/comp. You'll need to think about the amount of advance notice to give employees, how will benefits be continued during that period, who and how is recall going to be handled, etc........