I-9 - To copy or not to copy?

I need help. Do you copy documentation for I-9 forms? Why or why not? I have heard both and need more input. We have copied documentation in the past, but the latest seminar I attended stated that you are basically giving an auditor additional information to use against you if you have copies of the documentation. Would be very interested in any responses. Thank you!
The seminar presenter would be correct in the danger of copying driver's license with photo during interviewing processes for discrimination charges for the non-selected candidate.
I-9's are inspected during an audit for allegations of payroll violations, to tell you when they might be examined.
Also, it is key to note that any copies made must be attached to the I-9 form. If your I-9 completion process - in light of how an inspector may conduct an audit of your I-9 records - has you supplying "evidence" in the form of copies of submitted documents, be sure to make copies of every document for every employee and not just INS related papers and ID's to avoid the appearance of a disciminatory practice.