Religion in the workplace

We have received complaints from some employees that their department head is always pushing her particular brand of religion in the workplace. She has even gone so far as to tell one worker that the worker was possessed by a demon and should come to the department head's house so that she could exorcise the demon. She has also blessed them, and plays gospel music over the PA system in her department. I was under the impression that this is illegal if it is making the staff uncomfortable - particularly because the woman is a manager. I am getting an argument from the other executives involved. Where should I go with this one?
If that fails, tell her that you believe that she is possessed by the devil. Just a little levity to lighten you day!
Margaret Morford
We have had individuals that want to have "prayer groups", etc. We tell them if they want to do this off company time, such as before work or on breaks, that's fine as long as this is a willing group of people who want to get together. I haven't had any complaints about the group trying to "convert" anyone over, but if I did, then we would have to put a stop to this behavior on company property.
It's a very sad situation concerning the employee who killed herself. I had a situation where a young man was badgered because he was effiminate (sp.) and other employees assumed he was gay and also assumed because he was gay that he also had AIDS. They even sprayed the telephone with Lysol after he used it. I did not know of their behavior until I talked with him at an exit interview and he told me the reason he was leaving was because he could not take this kind of behavior any longer. I called the group together and I first told them how ashamed I was of them for treating a fellow human being in this manner and how they had displayed their ignorance in dealing with the situation. I also told them of the legal ramifications they had caused the company as well as themselves personally, and I hoped they were all prepared to go to court if this young man filed a lawsuit. Needless to say, this was an eye opening experience for this group and I did not hear of any more of these type altercations.
After about a year in the job she killed herself. She was a fine supervisor and a good person. She needed compassion not preaching.
After that experience I now tell proseletizers to confine their activities to outside of the workplace. If they feel the need to confront other employees, they should confine their efforts to prayer on the person's behalf.