Help! I don't know where to turn

I have been told, off the record, by an employee that they believe that the General Manager at one of our locations out-of-town is drinking on the job. I have been asked to please not tell anyone. The employee has stated that this manager goes out to lunch and comes back in the office with red eyes and smelling of alcohol. The manager has just gotten back from vacation, but we were having problems with him not being in the office during office hours prior to leaving on vacation. He would typically leave for lunch about 11:00 a.m. and return late afternoon each day. He is having marital problems and we were told that he was going to straighten himself out and come back ready to work. We had no indication prior to this that he had been drinking. This person runs the location and we are not there to supervise him. How do I go about finding out if this is true without this employee knowing that I have betrayed them?