[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-13-01 AT 01:38PM (CST)[/font][p]Sorry for responding to the wrong question. The question was given to me verbally and obviously not read correctly. My error, Sorry..
I think a couple of NE states are also NOT at-will, but can't tell you who.
montana is the only state with its own statutory wronful discharge law...in other words,it's very much like the model in europe where everyone is protected from being terminated if the employer does not have a good reason..it's sort of like union contracts where the employee can only be fired for just cause...the trade off is that the various torts upon which the employee used to be able to sue--and bingo out on--are pre-empted by the statute...regards from texas,mike maslanka
Yes, Montana is the only one. There are several states where the exceptions to "at will" are many, thus the perception that "at will" really doesn't exist in those states. Not sure how many, but certainly California, New York, Wisconsin, Michigan and others. For a good article about the flip side of the "at will" employment relationship go to [url]www.workforce.com[/url], enter "employment at will" in search. The second or third entry in the list is "Employment at Will - an Idea whose Time has come - and gone".
I think a couple of NE states are also NOT at-will, but can't tell you who.