Employee Home Address/Phone List

Is there a potential liability to publishing on an intranet or other internal
resource, the employee home address/phone list?
resource, the employee home address/phone list?
Margaret Morford
Even with this assurance, I currently have one employee who refuses to give me a home telephone number. Our employee handbook requires employees to advise us of any changes in certain info for emergency purposes.
Needless to say, we no longer pass out any sort of list to all staff. We do pass a list to manager of all employees phone numbers. (No home addresses)
When I first came to work here, they use to publish home addresses and phone numbers, and give to all the supervisors, but when people(an ex-employee) started harassing others,(they had taken the published list home that one of the supervisors posted on the wall), and the list was also copied and given to someone that was trying to unionize our company who started calling all the people at home and pestering them daily about unionizing, the President of the Company decided that we should stop publishing it. Most employees are happy that their personal information is not given out unless they do it.