I use to work as an HR Specialist with a leasing company (aka Professional Employer Organization - PEO). It can work well if you would be working with a reputable organization and the contract CLEARLY stipulates responsibilities. They can reduce your unemployment and risk management costs. Most still require some paperwork to be completed for hiring, firing, administrative changes (salary, address, etc) and, if you organization was very casual about this it could appear like more work. One of the best parts is there is a wealth of HR info available to you should you need it. I would go on site and conduct management training in I-9, interviewing and harassment and have initiated "fact findings" in regard to employee complaints. For additional info visit [url]www.NAPEO.org[/url] which is the national organization for PEOs. The one other thing I would suggest is to remember that the sales person is just that, sales. You will want to meet the service people or a representative from the organization to make sure they can deliver what you are looking for. Lastly, it is important that the lower level management has an understanding of the relationship. I have met many that think because this function is outsourced that they have a reduced liability in the day to day operation, which is not the case.