Record Keeping Requirements
Dan McCarthy
9 Posts
I am aware that there are a multitude of Regulatory requirements regarding proper/legal record keeping practices, BUT... Does anyone have some "simple" advice with regard to time requirements for applications/resume's and employee files?
or more, depending upon the statute) the Massachusetts recordkeeping
requirements are simple: Payroll records, 2 years, Time sheets, worksheets
and other records for the DET, 4 years, and personnel records 3 years after
termination. However, you must go through the multitude of regulatory
requirements to be sure that you are keeping the relevant records for the
longer of the state or federal time limits...for example, the Fair Labor
Standards Act requires employers to keep payroll records for 3 years, so
unless your company is not bound by the FLSA, you would need to keep these
records for a year longer. And there are disadvantages to keeping records
longer than is actually necessary. So the short answer is one you really
didn't want to hear: Best to get a complete chart of the record retention
requirements and abide by them, even if it's a tedious task. If you have
any further questions, contact me directly at [email][/email].
Good luck!
Susan G. Fentin, Esq.
One Monarch Place
Springfield, MA 01114
Tel: 413-737-4753
to get a complete chart of the record retention
requirements for Alabama. Thanks, Juanita