Bodily Search of Employee

Our business requires that some employees handle hundreds of thousands of dollars of cash daily. The room is under 24 hour 7 day a week camera monitoring, however sometimes money is missing.
I am looking for guidance in how far we can legally go to search for missing money that might be on the employee.
Can we legally ask them to empty their pockets, take off their shoes etc? Any laws or guidelines that you may know of will be helpful.
I am looking for guidance in how far we can legally go to search for missing money that might be on the employee.
Can we legally ask them to empty their pockets, take off their shoes etc? Any laws or guidelines that you may know of will be helpful.
I would be sure that you have a well thought out, and documented, policy on searches. This is one you should run past legal counsel, because of the Constitutional protections involved. While I understand that the prohibition against "unreasonable search and seizure" really relates to governmental agencies, still most employees do not understand, or care about those niceities. Just think of the kinds of personal and private information you could be come privy to by doing a body search and ask yourself-Do I really wan to know that? Also, there is that vague and ill defined area of an employee's right to privacy that an intrusive body search could violate unless you have a reason.
Margaret Morford
A key to any search is to have a policy that destroys any expectation of privacy an employee might have. Therefore, the policy should be in writing a clearly communicated to the employees who handle the money.
On a final note: your situation may be one of the few where the employer can legally use a polygraph to investigate the missing funds (this is highly regulated under the Employee Polygraph Protection Act, and you should seek legal advice before doing so).
Good Luck!!
In addition, as Curious G mentioned, many employers address this problem with special uniforms (such as jumpsuits without pockets).