child labor

i have an employee whose 15 year old son would like to work at our NH manufacturing facility this summer. he is coming up from florida (lives with his mother). does he need working papers? are there age requirements in NH for certain types of employment? child labor?
"While New Hampshire law prohibits individuals under the age of 16 from
certain manufacturing and quarrying occupations or from working in logging,
federal law would generally prohibit such employment for individuals under the age of 18. There may be exceptions for apprentices and student-learners enrolled in approved training programs."
"We cannot stress strongly enough that -- with only a few very limited exceptions -- employers must obtain youth employment certificates before any youth is permitted to work. No worker under the age of 18 may be employed or permitted to work without a certificate, except for work for his parents, grandparents, or guardian or at work defined as casual or as farm labor. "Casual work" is employment which is "infrequent" or "of no
more than 3 calendar days for any one employer" or "productive of little or
sporadic income" or "not commonly held to establish an employer- employee
I am here in Florida now. I'm looking at an Authorization for Partial Waiver of Florida Child Labor Law for someone we hired a year ago...The form comes from the Division of Workforce and Employment Opportunityes, Child Labor Section. The phone number listed here is (850) 487-2536.
I hope this helps.