Right to work - Notice given then terminated

Nevada is a right to work state. I have noticed at my place of employment that when someone gives the required 2 week notice they dismiss this person immediately. I am wondering if it is required for the company to pay you for the two weeks that you would have worked. The company has a very flexable policy on this subject.
Attorney Editor
NV Employment Law Letter
In many employment relationships absent an agreement or state or federal statutes, the "Employment at Will Rule" is still a practice. Employers in Tennessee have been governed by this rule for more than 100 years. Employment relationships for an indefinate term can be terminated at anytime "for good cause, bad cause, or no cause at all" with or without notice. As long as it is done without discrimination. However, I would advise any employer to keep good documentation. Just in case the employee tries to file a law suite for unlawful discharge. In Tennessee the employer is only required to pay the promised wage for hours worked.