Personnel records

At what time frame is it appropriate to purge personel files. I recomended 1 year for minor write ups but reprimands and higher keep in the files permanantly. Also once purged can you distroy them or should they be kept in storage.
(Excerpt from workshop workbook: "REASONS not to purge: In a legal proceeding, old information may be critical to your defense. Historical information can be used to show patters of employee performance or demonstrate that personnel policies and procedures have been consistently applied. If documentation of historical events has been purged, there is no way to recapture that data; also, opinion varies widely on which documents should be kept and which should be discarded. Purge cautiously and only with the consensus of management, legal counsel and others in your department. Remember wen purging documents, to protect privacy...shred purged documents, do not simply throw them in the trash".
Margaret Morford