On, Wisconsin!

So, little ol' Wisconsin has two, that's TWO teams going to the sweet sixteen! Now, I'm not going to claim that they're likely to go any further, but what a rush. My alma mater, UWM, when I was going there, was still playing with the original peach basket on an unpaved outdoor court. It's an urban university and played in obscurity (that was the name of our gym, I think). No one even knew we had sports teams. GO Badgers AND Panthers!
Mississippi State sadly blew it away with Duke yesterday. We had at least nine chances to win the game and the best we could do was move ahead by one, tie it three times, then blow it out our A**.
Go somebody!
Go Underdog. There were a few more upsets this weekend.
My oldest son pulls for Duke so I guess they'll be my default team for now.
Your memory does remind me, however, of the old photograph passed down from my father's days of the sign at the campus entrance, reading "Mississippi A & M". And the one I have of Old Main Dormitory, which before burning in the late 50s, was the largest dormitory building in the country. Which makes me remember the shave and freshman beanie, which makes me remember panty raids, which makes me remember probation, which makes me remember mandatory ROTC which makes me remember demerits for gum.....
How about ol' Bobby Knight & the Red Raiders of Texas Tech? Who knows...but my prediction is that it will be Ill & Duke in the championship game.