Something great happened today!

I have two sisters and one brother, the eldest of us four kids. He is my favorite, and we have a lot of fun together. He called out of the blue and asked if he could spend time with us next weekend and again in August while he's travelling on business! My family isn't very close, and we haven't seen each other more than twice in four years, so I'm thrilled! I'm already making plans and really looking forward to this. It made my day! Any of you have something great going on?
My first husband, who is a Lutheran lay minister, will be performing the ceremony in the back yard of their little rented house.
I'll post an update after the deed is done, to say whether it turned out to be great or a disaster!
My guys (hubby, 2 sons, 20 yrs old and 14 yrs. old) are all headed off to Boy Scout Camp tomorrow for 9 days. It's a great time for me every year. I don't have to feel I have to rush home every night and perform a magic trick to get dinner ready, the phone might ring and be for me, nobody else will have gone through the mail before me and the house will be in the same condition when I get home as when I left in the morning (as in no wet towels and swim stuff, no dirty dishes sitting in the sink). I'm going to take a couple of vacation days while they are gone; one day to get food ready for visitor's Sunday and the day after to recoup from the drive and heat exhaustion. By the time they return, I'm always lonesome and really missing the hugs and hub-bub, but the first few days are just, ahhhhhhhhhh. They have a great time every year, can't wait to go and hate to leave to return to real life. So it's a win-win for everyone!
It's been the same amount of time since my husband, kids and I have been with my parents and my brothers all at the same time.