Sample Hygiene Policy Letter

Does anyone have a sample letter they could share discussing a personal Hygiene policy? We have an employee who does not shower or take care of themselves. It has come down to the point where we need to have a discussion with him and we want to put forth some basic hygiene requirements that he will be responsible for meeting.
I've looked on SHRM's website, but so far I haven't been able to find anything. Any help that you can provide would be appreciated.
Does anyone have a sample letter they could share discussing a personal Hygiene policy? We have an employee who does not shower or take care of themselves. It has come down to the point where we need to have a discussion with him and we want to put forth some basic hygiene requirements that he will be responsible for meeting.
I've looked on SHRM's website, but so far I haven't been able to find anything. Any help that you can provide would be appreciated.
I normally structure the personal appearance policy to require that clothing be neat and clean, which precludes rumpled and smelly. I also generally include something in the list of things for which you can be fired on the spot like "Inappropriate dress or lack of personal hygiene which constitutes a health or safety hazzard or is disruptive to the workplace."
Keep in mind that there can be ADA considerations. I am reminded of a case in which the odor of the gangrenous flesh on the feet of an individual with very bad diabetes was so bad that nobody could work in the same room with that person, even if the room was a sizable cubicle farm, and the various sorts of problems that case brought to a large employer.
Do we know that the person does not shower? If so, do we know why they don't shower? "John, is there anything going on in your personal that may interfere with your work life you can think of that you think I should know about?"
If yes, all sort of important things may come out.
If no, "OK, well, this is going to be a little uncomfortable for both of us but we need to talk about it. John, you're a little ripe."