Five Hottest HR Topics?

Good afternoon, forumites!
[url=]Darryl Lee,[/url] who is one of our esteemed [url=]Employers' Counsel Network[/url] attorneys and the editor of [url=]Utah Employment Law Letter[/url] came to us yesterday with a humble request.
He is scheduled to give a presentation to a group of HR directors on the "Five Hottest HR Topics Facing HR Professionals Today." As he started pulling together his materials, he decided to supplement his research by turning to his colleagues in the Employers' Counsel Network for their input, as well as those of us in-house here at BLR.
We provided a few softball suggestions of our own, such as employee retention and motivation, but we also thought, "We're not the ones out there dealing with the questions from employees in practice every day. Why not ask our in-the-trenches HR pros what they're truly interested in/worried about in the HR world right now."
So, HR Pros. If you were listening to such a presentation, what topic would be at the top of your list for the discussion. On the other hand, are there topics that you think are overblown or overhyped?
Thanks in advance for your input (and Darryl thanks you, too!).
[url=]Darryl Lee,[/url] who is one of our esteemed [url=]Employers' Counsel Network[/url] attorneys and the editor of [url=]Utah Employment Law Letter[/url] came to us yesterday with a humble request.
He is scheduled to give a presentation to a group of HR directors on the "Five Hottest HR Topics Facing HR Professionals Today." As he started pulling together his materials, he decided to supplement his research by turning to his colleagues in the Employers' Counsel Network for their input, as well as those of us in-house here at BLR.
We provided a few softball suggestions of our own, such as employee retention and motivation, but we also thought, "We're not the ones out there dealing with the questions from employees in practice every day. Why not ask our in-the-trenches HR pros what they're truly interested in/worried about in the HR world right now."
So, HR Pros. If you were listening to such a presentation, what topic would be at the top of your list for the discussion. On the other hand, are there topics that you think are overblown or overhyped?
Thanks in advance for your input (and Darryl thanks you, too!).
1. Employee retention
2. Firing/Disciplining Employees while avoiding EEOC minefields
3. How to attract top talent in IT positions
Also, in general this topic always shows up in seminars and I honestly don't get that much out of it: HR Metrics/Demonstrating the value of HR to the C-Suite.