
So, did your office dress up? Did you?
What's the best costume you've seen today?
If you dressed up, what did you come as?
What's the best costume you've seen today?
If you dressed up, what did you come as?
We dressed up as characters from the HBO series True Blood. She's Sookie Stackhouse and I'm Jessica Hamby.
I like the True Blood costumes, cute but they look comfortable, which is generally my idea of a perfect costume. Which is so NOT the way I dressed today! As I mentioned on another thread, I am dressed as a widow, and so is my assistant...we agreed we both may as well be widows because her husband was out of town for a week hunting and mine has been gone for two weeks for work. I am already regretting wearing the really high heels that I decided were perfect for the costume, and it isn't even lunch time yet!
I've gotten a few weird looks from people in the building who I don't think realized that what I'm wearing is a costume; when I don't have my big veiled hat on it just looks like I'm really dressed up. I should start telling them that I'm implementing the opposite of "casual days" and we'll be having a "dressy day" every week from now on!
My 12-year-old granddaughter carved a "sick pumpkin" this year and they put it out on their lawn and my son told me that all the pumpkin innards that she put out there for "vomit" had disappeared. He said there had been a lot of birds in the yard so we figured that they were probably gorging on the seeds and pulp from the pumpkin, because otherwise who would come along and steal a bunch of wet pumpkin guts?!
The date/time stamp on this is 11-02-2011, 07:08 PM.
Frank, I know you're a very intelligent fellow but I didn't realize you had perfected time travel! Impressive!!
Love the drunk pumpkins!