Wages & Invalid Social Security Cards

Hello - We recently discovered that an employee working for us had an invalid social security card, which led us to investigate further finding that they had a relative working at the same location who's SS Card was invalid as well. We asked the employees to report to the Social Security office to resolve the matter, but employees failed to report back to work and have not been heard from since.
Social Security verification does report that these were invalid numbers (the cards looked legit on the surface, but deep investigation showed discrepancies), but we have reported wages against these numbers and need to know what to do (i.e. What are the next steps? Do we contact IRS, SS Office, etc...).
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
san antonio, tx
Social Security verification does report that these were invalid numbers (the cards looked legit on the surface, but deep investigation showed discrepancies), but we have reported wages against these numbers and need to know what to do (i.e. What are the next steps? Do we contact IRS, SS Office, etc...).
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
san antonio, tx
If you don't have counsel and would like the contact information for the Employers' Counsel Network attorney in your state, please send me a message and I'll be happy to forward that to you.