holiday favorites

This time of year it is sometimes hard to be merry. There is a lot of extra stress, and sometimes the knowledge of those who go without is more painful at this time than at others. It is also a time for remembering those we've lost. I find that focusing on the things I love about the holidays helps. What are the things you like best about the holidays? Visiting loved ones, wrapping and decorating, seeing the lights, hearing the music, watching holiday specials and movies? What is your 'favorite' part of the holidays?
In recent years, I've discovered the fun of taking each of my four grandkids out shopping individually for the others in the grandson is usually baffled about what to buy for his three sisters & stepmom ("I don't know how to shop for girls!"), my oldest granddaughter is tight with her money ("But it costs five whole dollars! That's too expensive!") the 5-year-old has a just-get-it-done attitude (shopping for five people took about 15 minutes this year), and the 3-year-old wants to buy toys for everybody so they can "share" them with her!
Merry Christmas to everyone.
My favorite is the Christmas Eve midnight service at church. The music was outstanding and while we were kneeling and singing Silent Night by candlelight great big snowflakes started falling.
While I love the holidays, I am looking forward to saying goodbye to 2010. Way too many people I know have had a really difficult time this year. Here's hoping that 2011 will be kinder to us all.
Anyone have any new year's resolutions they want to share?
Also, my mom usually cooks a country ham breakfast that is fantastic. For those of you not from the South, country ham is something that shouldn't be missed.
I can say that my favorite part of the holidays is the rare appearance of this white stuff that's covering the ground today. No matter what is going on that day, a little bit of snow just immediately puts me in the mood for fireplaces, hot chocolate, and holiday movies, even in spite of the fact that most of the times we've gotten snow here in Tennessee it's been well past the holiday season. I know it's a pain to shovel and drive in, but it's so beautiful that I never get tired of it. (Though this is also a good reason for me to avoid the great white North, since I'd like to keep it that way.
We had a white Christmas this year, first time in several years. My wife and I are each off work the week between Christmas and New Years. We keep a fire going in the family den and we have a tradition of putting together jig-saw puzzles. This year we completed three large puzzles. Santa brought me a set of the Marx Brothers DVD's -so we worked on puzzles and watched the Marx Brothers. "If itsa no gooda for you, itsa no gooda for me." "Ah, there ain't no such thing as a sanity-clause." And of course "I shot an elephant in my pajamas - how he got in my pajamas I'll never know".
We have that white stuff on the ground again now 5-6 inches and the bottom is falling out of the temp's. It was upper 20's this morning and now in the mid teens going down to around zero tonight. Another good night to set around the fire and watch an old movie.
On behalf of your gift recipients, please don't forget to actually finish making the gift! My sister-in-law did this same thing about 12 years ago....... I'm still waiting to get the finished gift!