The Social Network movie

This is a little off topic but has anyone seen the movie "The Social Network"? Its the story of Facebook's rise to success and the various intrigues along the way. I have only seen a few clips but it looks fascinating.
Much of the movie dialogue comes straight from court documents related to a case where one of the original members of FB sued Mark Zuckerberg (at least I think thats an accurate summary).
The tagline of the movie is something to the effect "You don't make 1,000,000 friends without making a few enemies".
Much of the movie dialogue comes straight from court documents related to a case where one of the original members of FB sued Mark Zuckerberg (at least I think thats an accurate summary).
The tagline of the movie is something to the effect "You don't make 1,000,000 friends without making a few enemies".
Of course, I have the advantage of being able to discern movies from real life. Remember how depressed you were after we told you [I]2001: A Space Odessey[/I] wasn't a recent documentary?
So you followed the Mark Zuckerberg story while it was happening? How and why?
Keep in mind, these events aren't ancient history - they initial lawsuit and the subsequent refilings and countersuits have all been in the past six years.
By the way, Zuckerberg's legendary interview meltdown on stage at SXSW has been described as the first time a disaster was live-tweeted. It also virtually destroyed the career of the interviewer, Sarah Lacy (not to be confused with Sarah Lane, who is still cool). Youtube it if you get a chance.
Speaking of Myspace, I think a movie or documentary that chronicled the rise and fall of Myspace would be pretty good.
Frank - I found the Zuckerburg interview at SXSW but didnt see a meltdown. I just saw some odd behavior by the interviewer. Who melted down and when?
PS: I think I'll wait to see the movie on pay-per-view.
Some of FB's value may simply rest in how it (currently) dominates the internet. As you may have noticed in commercials lately, some companies are directing people to their FB pages instead of their corporate websites.