The wonderful Wendi Watts brought me a regional cookbook to peruse today, which means I'm now daydreaming of comfort food and dinner options. So...what's for dinner tonight at your house?
We're having pretty warm weather and my house will be like an oven after being closed up all day with nobody home, so whatever we have for dinner tonite is going to have to be something we can cook outside...I've been hungry for seafood so maybe we'll pick up some fish or shrimp and corn on the cob to grill. The extra bonus there is that when we grill, my husband is the one who does it, so I can just sit there on the deck with a cool drink and watch him do all the work!
My parents live in Salem, OR. When they built their house they were just moving there and the builder tried to convince them they didn't need air conditioning and that nobody had it. My mom is from Florida and my stepdad is from St. Louis. Neither could imagine having a house without AC. The hardly ever use it, but I talked to them this week and they are loving that decision right now. So are all their friends; turns out the people with the AC play host during the heat waves.
You are right, not many homes have air conditioning around here, but the ones that do enjoy every minute of it even if it is only for a few days here and there. I was wise enough to add air but I am the only one in my neighborhood.
What is nice about our heat is that the humidity level is usually 15-35%. (Usually)
I have several friends in the Seattle/Redmond/Bellevue WA area who have been filling me in on the heat wave up there, where temps were up around 105 last week. They, too, are coping without the luxury of AC, which means they're resorting to freezing bottles of water and putting them behind a box fan in the window.
And to think, if we did that around my parts we'd be called rednecks.
Back on a food track.. We are still waiting on local and ripe home grown tomatoes. Or home grown da-mate-ers as we said back home. Just two things money can’t buy; that’s true love and home grown da-mate-ers.
I agree! I LOVE fresh tomatoes from the garden, sliced, then fresh mozzarella sliced on top, shredded basil on top of that, then sprinkled with a good balsamic (or saba) and olive oil. I could have that for dinner every day!
102 in Oregon? Wow. Is that usual for July?
Watermelon and cantaloupe? Mmmmm.....I have that just about every day when it is in season, hot or not!
What is nice about our heat is that the humidity level is usually 15-35%. (Usually)
And to think, if we did that around my parts we'd be called rednecks.
We are still waiting on local and ripe home grown tomatoes. Or home grown da-mate-ers as we said back home.
Just two things money can’t buy; that’s true love and home grown da-mate-ers.
Okay, now I'm hungry.