
Congatulations to Fantasia the new American Idol!!!
As I've said all along in this of the best parts is the grace and dignity of the participants...
Diana and Fantasia gave great performances last night...and it was a good show...and it was good to see George on stage again!
I think both will have boundless opportunities in the music industry, it will be fun to watch them grow.
As I've said all along in this of the best parts is the grace and dignity of the participants...
Diana and Fantasia gave great performances last night...and it was a good show...and it was good to see George on stage again!
I think both will have boundless opportunities in the music industry, it will be fun to watch them grow.
Good thing I don't necessarily care about what's happening in the world right now, because I wouldn't be able to find any news that's not about American Idol. x;-)